Thursday, November 4, 2010

Fall 2010

I was out running through Mystic late Monday afternoon during Simon's swimteam practice, and the light was amazing. Half the sky was fully in cloud; the sun was bright in the other half, slanting towards dusk. The trees, many still in lovely color, were lit up from above. I ran to a high place and looked down on the dark blue water and all of the colors burning below me and the whole scene took my breath away. I had Bon Iver's album For Emma Forever Ago blaring in my ears, which added to the whole cathedral-esque vibe. It was a beautiful handful of moments.

After taking a few days off after Bimbler's Bluff 50K, I started right back into my running routine and had a glorious week. I feel like I am finally getting into good shape. My foot doesn't hurt at all anymore, so I am not afraid to pile on the miles.

By some fortuitous accidents of scheduling, I got out twice several days last week. I ran loops every morning up the biggest hill in Mystic, and was able to sneak in two early evening runs during swim practice, as well as a 2-hour afternoon run on Thursday during the kids' Nature Class. I walked hill repeats behind the yoga studio during the kids' yoga class Monday as well.

By Saturday I was pooped. I swam during swim practice for 90 minutes and it damn near killed me! Sunday, Susan and I ran for a couple of hours on trails. All good.

This morning (Monday) it's snowing and slushing outside. The wind is blowing ice balls against the windows. I'm not going out in that! Time for a day off.

Here are a few photos of our life over the past few weeks. Fall in New England: what could be better than that??

Carschooling Spanish!

And Spanish on the beach!

Halloween, of course.....

Annual Homeschooling Day at the Corn Maze!!

And the last day of apple picking....

Happy Fall, everybody!!


  1. Happy fall?? You did look out the window this morning before you wrote this, right? Winter, glorious winter is here, if not in actuality, then in the snow falling from the sky. Glad you are getting in some good runs, let me know what your weekend schedule is, hopefully we can connect.

  2. Hi, Bob. I'm mulling over the RI 6-Hour next Sunday in Warwick. Not sure if it will fit into the weekend schedule, though.

  3. another great post and the pics of the kids are awesome. thanks for sharing with us, truly an enjoyable thing to read on a cold and blustery Monday morning.


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