Friday, January 7, 2011

Making Time

It has been difficult recently to make time to write in this blog. I just took on a new job writing two monthly columns as well as a weekly column for a local news website called Patch. It's more work than my old newspaper job, but much more interesting and fun. This job allows me to stretch my wings and write about stuff other than parenting. After six years, I was getting a little sick of writing about parenting, not to mention running out of things to say.

So I will post links to some of my articles here, and do my very best to keep this blog alive. I love being part of the ultra running community, and this blog has been a great way to keep up with everybody's running adventures. So, onward.....

Incidentally, I have decided to run the 100K at the New Jersey Ultra Festival rather than the 100 Miler. Winter/Spring is a busy time of year at our house. My husband is the robotics coach at his high school and this is the build season. They have six weeks to build the perfect robot, then take it around to competitions all over New England. So he's not home all that much. The hundred was feeling like too much of a time commitment. I feel greatly relieved and happy to be taking on the 100K.

Here is the first article from my monthly running column.

And here is a little photo essay I did during the blizzard just after Christmas. I ran around town with my camera in the ridiculously strong wind. Pam Dolan: Girl Photojournalist!

Complete list of articles written so far here.


  1. Pam I am so happy to see that you will be writing again! Especially about running. I just read the column and though I'm not "new" to running, there were many good reminders for me in there.

  2. Hi Helen! I really miss this blog. I'm going to make every effort to keep at it. Thanks for sticking with me!


Please feel free to leave thoughts, suggestions, advice or queries. I love comments!